For an exotic family experience in Paris, we recommend Les Jardins d’Auteuil. Imagine a botanical garden or rather several gardens with over 10 000 plants from all over the world. 

Les serres d'Auteuil - Jardin d'auteuil - paris park visit - travelling to Paris with kids

Inside beautiful Belle Époque style greenhouses, lies a real jungle! One can only  imagine how astonishing it must have felt for Parisian visitors of the early 20th century…

Each of the five greenhouses is a universe to itself with a unique theme and atmosphere. The tiny ponds with fishes and birds add magic to the extraordinary plants coming in all sizes, colors and shapes. Thanks to little pathways, children will feel like real adventurers.

Since the greenhouses are covered and the tropical ones heated, it is perfect for a Fall/winter visit! It is actually quite fun to experience under the rain as the drops of water echo upon the glass. 

The gardens surrounding the greenhouses are definitely worth a stroll too. The square des Poète features verses and busts of some of France’s most beloved poets (Verlaine, Mallarmé, Hugo, Gautier…) and the highest pine tree of the capital. The Japanese garden with its scree and stone lamp has a very zen feel. The English garden is equally enchanting. Walking across the 7 hectares of the gardens will make you travel the globe!

Les serres d'Auteuil - Jardin d'auteuil - paris park visit - travelling to Paris with kids

Last but not least the entrance to both the gardens & greenhouse is entirely free.

Address : 3 Av. de la Porte d'Auteuil, 75016 Paris, France. It is located in the heart of the Bois de Boulogne and right by Roland Garros

Opening hours : Everyday 8am or 9am to 5pm / 6pm / 7.30pm or 8.30pm according to time of year.

Official website

Photos by @fleurdejuan